The lovely Julie tagged me with this award last week (thank you!), and I thought it would be fun to post quickly this evening!

For this award, you have to answer each question with one word only- here are mine:

1. Where is your cell phone?  COAT
2. Your hair? BROWN
3. Your mother? ADVICE
4.Your father? SUPPORT
5. Your favourite food? LASAGNA
6. Your dream last night? WEIRD
7. Your favourite drink?  WINE
8. Your dream/goal? SECRET!
9. What room are you in? LOUNGE
10. Your hobby? CRAFTING
11. Your fear? FAILURE
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? UNSURE
13. Where were you last night? HOME
14. Something that you aren’t? THIN
15. Muffins?  BLUEBERRY!
16. Wish list item?  STORAGE
17. Where did you grow up? DEVON
18. Last thing you did? CARD
19. What are you wearing? JEANS
20. Your TV? ON
21. Your Pets? DOG
22. Friends? SUPPORTIVE
23. Your life? UPHEAVAL
24. Your mood? CHANGEABLE
25. Missing Someone? YES
26. Vehicle? NONE
27. Something your not wearing? MAKEUP
28. Your favourite store? MINE!
29. Your favourite color? BLUE
30. When was the last time you laughed? JUST
31. Last time you cried? MONDAY
32. Your best friend? PAUL
33. One place that I go to over and over? PARK
34. Facebook? TIMESINK!
35. Favourite place to eat? HOME

Not a very exciting set of answers, but there you go!  I’m going to tag my wonderful DT with this one, so Carole, Judy, Kim, Rowena, pick up this award and answer the questions if you fancy it! (Or just ignore me if you’ve already done it…LOL!)