As I sat like many people yesterday, contemplating 2015 and the imminent arrival of the new year, I realised I hadn’t updated this blog with the latest news. After Taika’s surgery I had intended to take a break from blogging and the pressure of creating, photographing and editing content, but I didn’t intend to leave you hanging! My apologies. If you follow me on Instagram, or were a Facebook friend (more about that in a moment), you will be aware that our little trooper is still going strong!
Taika Update:
Taika came through her surgery well. They found the expected mass on her pancreas and also on a nearby lymph node. The masses were removed successfully. That was a long and painful day as we were not at all sure whether what they would find would be operable, or whether she would even make it through the surgery. The relief when the surgeon called at the end of the day was overwhelming. She came home a few days later and was recovering well. In the weeks that followed it became clear that she is now in fact diabetic, probably because the insulin secreting masses had suppressed her normal pancreatic function for so long. She lost a lot of weight while the best course of action was decided, and reached a low of 9.5kg (her ideal weight is around 12 to 13 kg). I’m pleased to say that now, as we are achieving better blood sugar control, she is putting weight back on and has much more energy. She had a great December.
The vets are certain that the cancer will return, they say it is just a case of “when”. So, I’m learning not to dwell on the inevitable, and to enjoy her while she’s here. I will admit that some days that is hard, but I am extremely grateful that we have more time with her, however long that may be.
My December/Christmas
We had a wonderful December and a thoroughly enjoyable Christmas with plenty of fun with family and friends. There wasn’t much colouring, but there was plenty of other fun with LEGO, Star Wars, gaming and more. Here’s a little peek:
How I’m Feeling About 2015/2016
Overall 2015 was an odd year; a total mixed bag, full of love, joy, sadness, learning, growth, tears and laughter. I get the sense that it was an important year and a turning point for us. I’m hoping that in 2016 we can have a little less of the tears and sadness, but I also know that without them much of the important growth and learning wouldn’t happen. I’m hoping for more positive change this year, however that may come, and the strength to deal with whatever comes our way.
Social Media Changes:
In December 2015 I decided to finally make a small change I had been contemplating for some time. For a while I have struggled with Facebook and the realities of having a large “friends list” filled with a wide circle of people, many of whom I did not know personally. As we move into the new year I wanted to shake the feeling of being encumbered by social media, so in December I made my personal Facebook profile “close friends and family only”. If you missed my post on Facebook announcing this, please know that you were not removed from my friends list out of malice or anything else but a desire to simplify my online existence! You can keep up with all my crafty and other creative pursuits by continuing to follow me here on this blog, over on Instagram and also on my Marker Geek Facebook page. As we move through January I will be steadily returning to creating and sharing.
Happy New Year Elaine, may it bring all you wish for xx
Oh Elaine, so pleased that Pig’s surgery went so well and that you had a happy Christmas with her. Here’s hoping 2016 is a positive one for all of us. Hugs Squirrel xx