Multi-purpose cards or notecards, not specific to any occasion.
Tiny Townie Crafty Friends Copic Video
Taking a brief break from the Oddballs, and catching up [...]
Multi-purpose cards or notecards, not specific to any occasion.
Taking a brief break from the Oddballs, and catching up [...]
Ok, I won't lie, I'm an Oddball addict. Maybe we [...]
Flying into a new week like a Mini Oddball Superhero! [...]
Over on the Stamping Bella website, Curvy Girl loves Jam [...]
I cannot resist the Mini Oddballs. The Oddballs were already [...]
Skating into a new week with some colour. Watch my [...]
I was so happy that when November came last year, [...]
2021 taught me a number of things, one of the [...]
Time for a little sparkle - January could always use [...]
Today's card was actually created back in late 2020. I [...]